Philosophiae Seanalis Principia

A blog for my ranting and Sean-information passing purposes.

Friday, May 06, 2005

The May-o de Cinco Special-o

Yey for Cinco de mayo. To celebrate this fun Mexican holiday we went to eat fun Mexican food at my favorite fun Mexican restaurante, Los Dos Amigos. Such awesome food they have. Yummy. Shawn was upset that they weren't offering a Mayo de cinco specialo. Oh well. He seemed to enjoy himself none the less.

In other news, thy friendly people of Bishop's Landing, that's the near-five-star quality apartment complex Richard and I call home,gave us today a cinco de mayo surprise by turning off the hot water. It will be turned-off until six PM tomorrow, says the note they left on the door. Something about a gas leak. Yippee. That means no showers or clean clothes until tomorrow. Since I haven't showered since yesterday, that means TWO whole days of living au naturelle.

I'm sure I'll live. I'm not so sure about Richard though.

Lori's comments about the day, although tragic, were also very comical.


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