Philosophiae Seanalis Principia

A blog for my ranting and Sean-information passing purposes.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Interview Number Three

Yahoo! Today I was made a contingent job offer. That means if they like my pee and my crime conviction history, I will be an employee at Wal-mart in Moore-The Armpit of The Universe, OK, starting at an hourly wage of 6 dollars and 40 cents. Yipee.
This is all kind of ironic because I never actually applied at this Wal-mart. I applied at the Wal-marts in Norman and at every other place in Norman but never ventured outside its borders seeking employment. They just accidentally pulled up my application from their database and gave me a call. They didn't even realize that I'd never been in that Wal-mart before Saturday until I off-handedly mention that I was lucky they asked me in for an interview. The lady was completely surprised. Oh well. I like income and it likes me. Oh happy day.


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