Philosophiae Seanalis Principia

A blog for my ranting and Sean-information passing purposes.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Hitchhiker's Guide and a Party

Yesterday, I went to see The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and I liked it. Although, I feel it had a few issues. It felt too short, Either because it was was rushed to fit in as much story in the two hour block or because it lacked a lot of material present in the book of the same title. I'm not sure which. I don't like to be the guy that compares movies to their book counterparts. I hate hearing people say that movies suck because they weren't true to the book or books that they are based off. None of the LoTR movies sucked. They were awesome fucking movies. Visually stunning. Epic and engaging story. I don't want to hear some super-nerd tell me that Galadriel was hotter in the book or that Gimley's beard was too short or that the fucking ents didn't have enough treebark on them. Who the fuck cares? I don't fucking care. Good movies, end of discussion. So, that having been said, the book, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, impressed me more than the movie of the same title, but I still liked it. There are a few things to be said about that. The movie wasn't technically based off of any book. No iteration of the Hitchhiker's Guides has bee true to any other. There have been like eleven or so. So, every time Douglas Adams released something with that title, you got something a bit different. The things I liked: Deep Thought was really cool. Marvin was as funny as always. The planet factory floor was freakin' awesome. And the guys who played Arthur and Ford were very good, I thought. S'all I gotta say about that.

The party was... Interesting. It was very fun and I got very inebriated with no hangover to speak of. I like that. I'm pretty sure there was some scandalous love-making that I was not a part of. That's all I'm saying about that. Yegerblasters are hardcore. Everclear gummybears are also hardcore. Honey flavored cigars, although hardcore for like a puff or so, ultimately end up leaving you all smelly with a nasty carbon-like after taste in your mouth all evening. Probably won't be partaking of those the next time around. Taking a shot every five to twenty minutes or so, also hardcore. Sleeping in my own bed, necessary, and hardcore.


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