Philosophiae Seanalis Principia

A blog for my ranting and Sean-information passing purposes.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Hoo boy, The Busy Just Keeps On Coming

Hello, folks. Sorry, it's been quite a while since I've posted anything of substance, so I'ma gonna give it a try while I gots the chance.

It's been so abso-fucking-lutely crazy busy in my life as of late, it's no where near funny. It's not in the same zip code as funny. In fact. I'm gonna say that it's a completely different state than funny and they never met. It's been that kind of busy.
I've neglected so much school work lately that the second half of this semester doesn't even seem to be related to the first half. The fact that I'm maintaining A's and B's is the strangest fluke this side Statistically-impossibleville.

The not so positive news:

Last month, along with the beginning of this month, I managed to get so out of touch with anything resembling a balanced checkbook that racked up over draft charges amounting to a number that some of you might need to sit down for...Are you sitting? Ok, good. I busted out my trusty TI-34 II and came with a number like this one: $-244.02. You saw that correctly. That's three digits. I nearly cried. This is possibly the grossest waste of money I've ever been associated with. If any of my family members were to become aware of it, I might be disowned. Obviously, the time to act is, was, a long time ago, so I've decide to stop using two separate bank accounts altogether and stop having to worry about transferring money back and forth and splitting up the cashing of checks and all this stupid stuff that I can't remember for the life of me why I decided was a good idea in the first place. That's enough of this shit. I'm tired of making my bank any more rich than is necessary, which should be never. Alright, money rant over.

Better news:

Recently, my English Comp. 2 teacher gave me the best complement I think I've ever received. On the last theme I wrote for the class, upon its return, I found written a note telling me that at the end of this semester, Mr. Crabtree(the teacher) would like a copy of every piece of writing I've ever written. Not just the ones for the class. All of them! I couldn't freakin' believe it. He told me that he would bind them and keep them so that he could say later on down the road when I become a famous writer that he knew me. I'm pretty sure I've never been more flattered in my whole life. This is probably the final catalyst that is going to push me into changing my major. I'm not sure if you guys understand exactly what that means to me. I vowed upon entering college that I would get a degree in Linguistics. It was my passion; still is really. But I'm pretty sure now that I will now go for a degree in some kind of writing. That's heavy shit for me. It still feels weird every time I think about it.

Awesome shit:

Breaking Benjamin in two days!!!!


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