Philosophiae Seanalis Principia

A blog for my ranting and Sean-information passing purposes.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Some Stuff

I just finished with my first 10pm to 7am shift. I'm not yet sure how I feel about it yet. I can tell you that my hands and feet hurt. Fifty some odd televisions are heavy. More about that at the end of the week.

Now for something fun. This is a theme I wrote for English recently. The prompt was over inconveniences and necessities. I thought it was clever. I'll let you be the judge(s). It's only 400 words.

Dependence Day, the Fourth of Always
Where’s my cup of coffee? I have to have my coffee, or I can’t function. Where’s my Morning show on the radio. I need to hear the morning show. Ah man, my alarm clock didn’t wake me up today, or, my alarm clock didn’t go off and I was late to work or school.
When you really think about Americans’ dependences on material things, doesn’t it make you a little bit sick to your stomach? It does me. These are things that people in most other countries could never take for granted.
Starving people in small African countries probably wouldn’t even know how or why we worship coffee so. If they even get the chance to drink it, they would probably think something along the lines of, “what is this bitter crap? Why would you do this to perfectly good water?” I would tend to agree.
The only thing that comes close to a morning radio show for any of these people is some arrogant and hateful dictator harshly giving them tips on how exactly they should live, lest they trip and fall into a dark, dingy jail cell for all of eternity. He doesn’t spell out that last part specifically, but we all know it happens. We’ve had one of those mornings when we show up at the local slum-labor factory for another hard day’s work, one of those twenty-seven hour shifts for a nickel, and Kunta Kinte is just “missing”. No one knows for sure where he went. They most likely wouldn’t mind at all if that was gone from their lives.
You’re so damn lucky that you have that little machine there to buzz, squawk, and holler at you to wake-up at 8:15 in the AM. Think about it, if you were out in the jungle on an over night game hunt or something, you better figure out a way to get your lazy ass up before sunrise or the tigers will fucking eat you. How would you like that? At first you would be dreaming and thinking your dog was up on the bed licking your face and you’d be all smiling and laughing until you felt that big cat rip your face clean off. You wouldn’t be laughing after that. You’d be all like, “where the hell did my face go?” Then you’d wish you had your alarm clock and a new face.
I’m not so pretentious to say that I don’t rely on things of this sort or enjoy their luxury. I’m just saying that I hope to whatever deity there may be that it wouldn’t kill me to remove one or more of them from my daily routine. Such amenities should only be supplements to life, not key components.


Blogger GhostMaster said...

I don't know how I feel about it. I just think it's the right of birth, maybe just the luck of the draw. I don't believe that it makes me less of a person for enjoying/relying on material things.

8:29 PM  

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