I'm So Freakin' Tired
All the time, everyday. Me and sleeplessness have a parasitic relationship. It's constantly feeding on my soul. If I couldn't have fun at least once in a while to recharge, I would be consumed.
Some positive news: My English teacher, the perpetually-stuck-in-the-fifties-yet-still-kinda-cool Mr. Crabtree, told me today that I'm funny, and a good writer, and that he really enjoys reading my papers. It filled me with such joy; you don't even know.
It was so nice and cool outside this evening that it was not even, but almost a little bit, funny.
Some crazy Christian lady told me she was had been praying for me to find Jesus. She asked me if I felt her prayers; I said no, but I appreciated the sentiment. She said she would "pray really hard" for me now. I said okay.
Some positive news: My English teacher, the perpetually-stuck-in-the-fifties-yet-still-kinda-cool Mr. Crabtree, told me today that I'm funny, and a good writer, and that he really enjoys reading my papers. It filled me with such joy; you don't even know.
It was so nice and cool outside this evening that it was not even, but almost a little bit, funny.
Some crazy Christian lady told me she was had been praying for me to find Jesus. She asked me if I felt her prayers; I said no, but I appreciated the sentiment. She said she would "pray really hard" for me now. I said okay.