Philosophiae Seanalis Principia

A blog for my ranting and Sean-information passing purposes.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

The Ultimate Test

I think I've found a test for drunkness- drunkitude, some have called it in the past- better than the "Can I feel my teeth?" test. I call it the "Can I read slash dot without closing one eye?" test. The way it works is, you go to slash dot, that's .org not .com, (I suppose you could use any internet site with text at or near twelve point font) and you see if you are able to read it without your vision blurring with both eyes open. If not, then you, my friend, are indeed drunk. Note: I have not tried this under the influence of any other mind altering chemicals. That is all.


Blogger Elizabeth said...

Why not just hit the 'drunk' person (in quotes because we don't know if they're drunk yet) with a baseball bat, and if it hurts, then they're gonna need another drink. If it doesn't hurt, they can stop drinking.

(They did something like that on some reality tv show while I was channel flipping/wasting time one day, only instead of hitting him, they nearly tore off his ear -- he was drunk; woke up in the morning asking what had happened to his ear.)

11:05 AM  
Blogger Mr. Greene (and His Orchestra) said...

Ah, the things you miss when you have to go to bed early.

5:36 PM  

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