Philosophiae Seanalis Principia

A blog for my ranting and Sean-information passing purposes.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Don't Dye Your Pubes.

It Burns something terrible.

No, I'm just kidding.

It feels great.

I'm only joking, I wouldn't know. I'm not that brave.

Anyway, I hang out with some people who's interesting mix of conservative and liberal ways confound me to almost no end. They speak out(if and when one can get them to speak out at all) with crazy left wing ideas like pro-choice for women or the rights of homosexuals to marry each other, but when it comes to personal appearance-physically or other- they're about as puritanical as one can be in this day in age. They absolutely cannot alter themselves in anyway that could be noticed or critiqued by any of their neighbors, peers, co-workers,...Etc. What I have trouble with the most, and it's probably not normal, I was raised in an environment where no one told me how I needed to look or dress, so I probably don't share this confusion with many who read this, maybe a few. But what perplexes me so much is why it matters at all how others outside of your circle of people you share the most time with think of you. I can think of a very few cases where this might actually be important; For example, if your job depends on it. Other than that, I really can't figure out how it could possibly affect your livelihood if Mrs. Johnson, whom you see maybe twice a month at church, doesn't like the particular shade of your hair color. I mean, I couldn't really give a flying fuck if someone was slightly offended by my hair color. That is entirely their prerogative. They have the choice to be offended by it or not as well as the choice whether they look at my head or not. Does not matter. I change it on a whim. It has never adversely affected me in any measurable way. There was one time that I had an unfortunate experience with some orange hair spray that ended up turning my head pink for about a month. No, I did not want to have pink hair. I didn't particularly like having pink hair, but you know what? It didn't make me hate the way I looked nor did it make me want to cut off all my hair. It was a failed experiment, so what? Collect the data and move on to the next dependent variable. How the fuck are you ever gonna know if you like anything different if you never try anything different? Being used to the way something is and actually liking something are in fact, two different things. And it's kinda hard to tell which one quality you possess if it never varies. I'm all for people who simply have no interest in changing a particular part of themselves. Sometimes it doesn't interest you. Oh well. Not your fault. But I am a bit annoyed by someone who is staunchly opposed to it, like I was asking them to change their sex or something. I wouldn't ever ask you to change your whole life, just for once, eat some thousand Islands or Italian with your salad instead of Ranch.
Come on, shake it up a little. Sometimes it's exciting to wake up in the morning and see somebody new in the mirror. It makes you feel like you aren't stuck in the same ol' shell. It fucking invigorates me.
Please believe me, I'm not trying to hurt anyone's' feelings here. This is actually the way I feel at times. I'm not dogging on you... Well, maybe just a little.
For those of you who venture to change something about you in spite of your fear of what people might think, that actually takes some real courage, and I commend you and admire you for it. Just because it didn't work out exactly how you wanted it to the very first time you ever tried shouldn't discourage you from future experimentation.

One time I pierced my own ear. Why? I wanted to. It was like randomly deciding I wanted some pizza. Did I think about it? Not really. Did I regret it? No. Did I get bored with it? Eventually, I just got tired of having to clean my ear rings.
All I'm saying is, I think you gotta mix it up a little sometimes. Wear a thong or some boxer shorts or something. Pierce your tongue; Cut off your eyebrows. Who cares how it looks other than that it's just different. Sometimes, to be yourself you gotta be someone else.


Blogger Alustriel said...

I grew up with my dad not really caring what other people thought of him and that did end up on me also. But I still dress the same and I don't do anything with my hair only cause I don't want to. And the few times I do or have, I just haven't liked it much.

8:38 AM  
Blogger GhostMaster said...

That's Sheena, me, I want something specific that no hair-stylist has been able to give me: black hair, with a very blue shine to it. That would be fucking awesome!

3:30 PM  
Blogger Mr. Greene (and His Orchestra) said...

I'm flattered man, I really am. Dog me all you want, but I like my hair color the way it is now. It looks good on me...not so blond as to be joke-inducing, not so brown as to be...brown? But anyway, it has nothing to do with what my friends and coworkers think, just me. I don't want weird hair color, or holes in my skin, or permanent drawings on my body, or whatever. My vacation beard was enough experimentation for a while.

9:22 PM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

Hair, to a girl, is like a brand new mustang is to you. I like my hair alot. I often do weird and interesting things with it, like french braid it, put it up in different ways, etc. The fact is, I'm not dyeing it anymore not because of what others think, but because of what I think. I like my natural hair color, and I dyed it because it was something new and different, and oh yeah, it was only supposed to stay in for a month. A month, not so bad. Forever, a little longer than I want it to stay in. I don't want to deal with the up keep of it. That gets expensive quick. Guys, it doesn't so much matter, in a month or two it will have grown out enough that it gets cut off. But with girls, that's alot of upkeep, or it looks two-toned, and silly. As for the fun and new and interesting things, I have a freakin' hole in my stomach. I would have to say that was an adventure. (we discovered that DH is anemic - and yes, I'm sure I spelled that wrong, oh well.)

If it's a thong day, it's a thong day, if it's not, then don't wear one. Same goes for hair... if it's a hair day, then change it, if not, then don't worry about it.

On a completely different note, I would like to point out here that I'm not gonna be any more likely to change my hair when you're dogging me. As a matter of fact, I'm gonna be less likely to change it, simply because I like marching to my own drum beat. Sure it's gotten me in alot of trouble over the years, but i like being unique. It doesn't take bright red, or floresent blue streaks in my hair to be unique. I can figure out something weird, and entertaing to set me apart from everyone else all by myself. (Like owning Liechtenstien!!!!)

3:19 PM  

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