Philosophiae Seanalis Principia

A blog for my ranting and Sean-information passing purposes.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Adventures In Moore

The last few days have been...interesting. I suppose that's a good word for it. The words strange or alien might/could also suffice. Let's see, where do I start? Well, last night I promised Lori a ride home from work since our shifts were ending at the same time and her work is across the street from my work. So, after they let me go, I walked out to my car and barely took note of a strange popping sound as I started it. I exited the parking lot and proceeded across I-35 to Convergys where the lovely Miss Loreli Randolph was waiting. While driving over there I had listened to a phone message from my new friend Jennifer in which she had inquired about some kind of fun to be had after my shift ended. Lucky for everyone, we all decided food was in order. So then, Lori and I took off in the general direction of Jennifer's apartment and soon realized that my car was not acting like a normal car but more like a pressure cooker failing to keep it's vaporized liquid contained within. I flipped on the heater full blast in order to try and keep my overheating engine block from cracking and in hopes that we would make it to Jennifer's without any stalling, exploding, or any other bad thing that cars may decide to do. Fortunately, we made it there in one piece and without further damage to my poor car. After parking it there in a fire lane, we all piled in Jennifer's roommate's car and went to IHOP with me secretly hoping that whatever problem may exist in my car might go away while we were gone. There at IHOP, I had a very pleasant meal in the company of two of my favorite lady friends while we conversed about how to tell when or if people are gay or not and why. Sadly, after that, Lori needed to go home, so we went back to the apartment to find that my car didn't want to go anywhere. Jennifer was nice enough drive us back to Norman to drop off Lori and to collect for me some toiletries and extra clothing because she was nice enough to invite me to stay the night so that I could be there to get some help for my sick car the next day.
Small side note to anyone from Michigan or anywhere else that's not central Oklahoma and has not lived there for very long, tedious trips down dark side roads and dead-ends can be avoided simply by listening to the directional advice of the natives. That's all I'm saying about that.
Anyway, we made it to Norman and back in one or two or even three pieces depending on how you look at the car/driver/passenger unit as a whole. The point is, we lived through the trip.
I've never had any person, especially a girl person, invite me to sleep in their home before they have known me for two months. For that, I am very grateful that she feels she can trust that I'm not some kind of serial rapist and/or murderer. That, or she just doesn't care. Either way, I appreciated it.
So, we stayed up until about six in the AM talking and having a merry ol' time until. At one point during the night/morning, her roommate called and seemed upset that I was there. I apologized for causing problems but she said it was ok. At some point it was time to pass out. The next day at around three when we were able to crawl out of bed and get clean and stuff, Washua called and I told him the symptoms of my car's ailment and he gave some instructions of how I might get it home without killing it so that he could fix it. Through this it was found out that I either had a bust radiator or a busted radiator hose. He would have to come to Moore to fix it. He got there and looked 'er over and we found that a threaded plastic piece clamped to a hose that was attached to the radiator had snapped off in the engine block. And fuckin' A if we didn't have any way of getting that little shit out of there. Come about six, it was time to leave. Although she insisted otherwise, I'm sure that Jennifer was sick of me. We said goodbye and I went off to help Josh and his clan at his work. After that came back to Norman town had a grand time on Joshua and Crystal's new trampoline until Shawn brought me here.
Now here I sit with my car in still in Moore, wondering how I'm going to get to and from work for the next couple of days. Oh well, even though it is quite immediate, I'm gonna go ahead and give it the ol' "climb that mountain when we come to it", and hope it works out.

In other news: Our travelers in Louisiana, tragically, are dead, or so they say.


Blogger Elizabeth said...

Hey, I don't get off of work untu=il 3:30 this afternoon (Friday), but I'm sure that I can give you a ride to work on Sat, & probably Sunday, give me a holler if you need anything, MEO

6:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LET'S GO BOWLING!!!!!!! (im in norman for the weekend)

6:50 PM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

so that's what you meant... Yeah!!! Let's do it! Only not tonight, tonight is game night.

2:43 PM  
Blogger Mr. Greene (and His Orchestra) said...

Oh, to be a fly on the wall at IHOP. That must have been quite a meal.

2:13 AM  

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