Philosophiae Seanalis Principia

A blog for my ranting and Sean-information passing purposes.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Oh Happy Day: Part Deux

Ok, so today was a pretty good freakin' day. It wasn't really different than any other day in any way special. It was just...nice. Got to get a job interview scheduled, that's just awesome. I got to play some disc golf with Shawn at like 11:30. It was great, the shadows were accually under the trees! Although I managed to rack up ten or so strokes in water shots, I still had fun. Then I came home and Richard and I went to the office to re-sign our lease. That was cool because they immediately came and fixed our broken door jamb that's been busted for quite some time now. The door accually closes and stays closed! I'm so excited. Then I got to nap for like four hours this afternoon. Freakin' awesome. After that, NY pizza and pasta. Ah Hells yeah.

So, happy day. I feel good. Feeling good is good. My brain must be blocking out stress today. Good thing. Stress sucks ass. I think I'm gonna write some Book now.

P.S. We're gonna stick with this font from now on because I'm too lazy to go up and change the little font tab every damn time I do this, so, ta-da. I'm glad we all agree. Let's do this.


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