I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I argue with anyone about anything I feel like.
I'm sorry I act surprised when you don't know something.
I'm sorry I correct people in humiliating ways.
I'm sorry I'm an atheist.
I'm sorry I don't like olives.
I'm sorry I'm overly defensive.
I'm sorry that I say hurtful things when I'm not in a good mood.
I'm sorry that I'm skeptical of things that other people think are true.
I'm sorry that I always have to be right.
I'm sorry that I don't wash the dishes very often.
I'm sorry that I'm not a better friend.
I'm sorry that I want things to be in way that they can't.
I'm sorry that I work all the time.
I'm sorry that video games mean more to me than my future.
I'm sorry that I love people who don't love me back.
I'm sorry that I sound demeaning when I try to coach people.
I'm sorry that I don't care more about sanitation.
I'm sorry that I don't care what outsiders think of me.
I'm sorry that I cuss in front of children.
I'm sorry that I can't please everyone all the time.
I'm sorry that the people I'm meanest to are my closest friends.
I'm sorry. I really am so very sorry. I've let you all down.