Philosophiae Seanalis Principia

A blog for my ranting and Sean-information passing purposes.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

I'll write about Sunday too

I love working on Sunday. I get paid an extra dollar an hour for working on Sundays. I'm not really sure why. I think it has something to do with the Sabbath, so I'll have to thank the jesus folken for that one. Go Wal-mart. That rocks.
Today wasn't so great because I had to work an extra hour and a half to make-up for the hour and a half late-itude. I misread my schedule like a moron. My boss called me and woke me up this morning. That's never pleasant.

In the romance department, I think I'm progressing a little bit. I almost asked out that girl at work today. I couldn't though, because it just wasn't the right time. I'm not really sure what is the right time, but that wasn't it. I've almost worked up the Gawl to vow to myself that I'll do it the next time I see her.
I dunno. I'm afraid. I'm not afraid of rejection or anything. I'm used to that. What I'm not used to is the awkwardness that comes after the rejection. I hate it with the passion of an angry squirger. Nevertheless, IT must be done. I've decided that I like her and that I need to ask her out before we fall to far into the friend rut. Before we become too familiar that it would be weird for me to like her. It's not often that I have this kind of a chance. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, I've never had the chance, at least, not since my last serious girlfriend in the 10th grade. Since then, all the girls that I have realized that I liked had been friends with me for quite some time and the results have never ended up good for either party. Also, at this early stage, it might give me the chance to woo her before she becomes familiar with all of my repulsive qualities that seem to repel all the ladies from me. Wish me luck.


Blogger Lori said...

Good luck! Keep us posted!

11:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check this out. You are putting too much emphasis on the asking her out thing. Dude it's not high school anymore so you don't have to worry about that whole 'going together' bit in the old school fashion. Instead, just ask her if she would be interested in meeting your friends--or even just going out somewhere to grab some lunch some time. I'm actually real glad u didnt ask her out. At least for your sake. I believe that back in the day we used to do the whole "will you go out with me" thing mostly because at our youthful high-schoolian age--we like it simple. Simple as in we set up questions to be answered either 'yes', or 'no'. Besides, it only makes sense to 'date' her after she's already gotten to know you--especially outside of work.

1:26 AM  
Blogger Mr. Greene (and His Orchestra) said...

Well, you could always become really close friends, then wait five years...wait, no, you should probably just go with Shawn's way.

1:38 AM  
Blogger GhostMaster said...

Well, Shawn took the words right out of my mouth. I can prove it too, you should look at Rodney's blog and my comment. Anyway, let me meet this girl. I could do something crazy and then you guys could laugh at me and at the heat of the moment when I'm about to die, you ask her out on a date. Maybe to see the new Batman Begins movie, because c'mon, who doesn't love Batman?!

6:36 AM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

Oh... definately go the way of Alex. That just brilliant. I would definately not suggest pulling a Richard, it's just a little bit awkward. But Shawn is right, anymore, it's not so much 'going out' with a person, it's a series of dates. Besides, it gives you a chance to get to know her, and her to know you, which, is more important to most girls than they pretend it is. I would also suggest that you start by working from larger group things (more crowded sort of things where you just sort of blend in) into the more personal sort of thing. It's easier to become comfortable around people when you aren't so worried about yourself. Anyhow, good luck.

2:07 PM  

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