Philosophiae Seanalis Principia

A blog for my ranting and Sean-information passing purposes.

Friday, April 22, 2005

That crazy first blog post

Yup, I've decided to create a web log, or 'blog', for those interweb savvy folken.
I'm not sure if it's out of boredom or what, but I came to the conclusion that I should be unique, just like all the rest of you people. I will try to keep up this blog on a daily or bidaily basis so that those who care will be in on the innermost dark details(and meniacal ravings) of my life. I'll also allow comments so that you can...comment on my...comments. Yeah, you know, in case you people aren't familiar with IM, telephones, or e-mail... or just plain ol' face-to-face interaction. I know, that last one scares a good lot of you, but, you have to go out your front door sometime, don't you? You all do realize that that burning thing in the sky is supposed to shine on you, right? Well, it is.

Anyway, I'm hoping that doing this writing-a-blog thing will help to motivate me with my writing-a-book thing. Yeah, for those who might care, I'm writing a book, like so many other poor college students. There's one difference though, mine's good. Ha, no, but seriousely, those who have read it seem to like it. It's a work of fiction based on serveral things in my life, mostly my friends and the literature I love. If someone is interested in reading what I've got, they're welcome to contact me. Honestly, I love critisism, constructive or no. I also have written a few short stories. Well, started is a better word. I haven't finished all that many. In fact, the ratio of pieces of fiction I've started to pieces I've finished is rather skewed. I'm hoping to change that. Maybe get something published sometime. The book in question is currently the longest thing I've ever written and it's end doesn't seem that close. I'd like to finish it this year. Hell, there are lots of things I'd like to do this year... Oh, well. One thing at a time. Or maybe two...ok, three at most, that's my final offer. Yeah right. I'm as good at finishing things as I am at giving birth. But damnit, I'm determined.

Wow, I didn't realize I could say that much. I know that wasn't that much but it was more than I expected to say. This blog thing seems to be a good way blow off steam, good or bad. I like that. Upcoming entries will probably be longer and contain more random nonsense. I think the aetherial zone of the internet is a good place to keep that stuff. let's do it.
Btw, I've chosen this font because it reminds me of the font old typewriters use. You know, those things that people used to write books with.

Alright, rant and openning thoughts concluded. It's nine in the morning, I haven't slept yet, and I'm supposed to get a round of disc golf in at 11.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

W007XORS!!!! 0MGW7F 1ST P0S7, LOL 1'M S0000 1337XORS L1K3 W0WXORS!!!1!!1!347!1!9!83&!O3*!739!

11:37 AM  

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